Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Greenhouse Update

This is how the seeds start. See the cute little newspaper cups? Those are made by the King and Tigger. It involves this little gadget.

This is our first year getting the windows somewhat sealed so that the temps don't drop so low. We just used some doubled up plastic that we had gotten for free in a very big roll. It was then stapled and tapes around the edges and the overlaps. It isn't professional or even the best solution, but it worked for us as the following photos show.

This is my volunteer tomato plant. I think it's a cherry tomato. It now has flowers.

This is a close up of my cucumber plants. I have one plant with two iiiiittttyy, bitty cukes on it. Sooo cute!

This tray is a mixture. It has a couple of brussel sprouts, a couple of cabbage, some parsley plants and the one with the yellow flowers is another cucumber plant. They look a little spare because I just transferred them to these pots. They were just in my little newspaper cups before this.

Here's my lettuce. Isn't it pretty!

This is the carrots. They are a very short carrot and while the greens look lovely, so far the actual root isn't yet big enough to eat.

Pardon the mess (if you see it) in there. We actually did a clean up in there this past weekend. The King is building me a shelving unit in one corner. Yeah!!! I went through a bunch of stuff and decided to put all the big pots on a shelf OUTSIDE the greenhouse to help with space issues. I gathered all the saved newspapers into one area. We use those under mulch to help cut down on weeds. But you need a lot of them and they take up lots of space. I can't wait to get them in the garden!

I still have to get my sink set up in there, but I think I know where I want it and I may use a sink I already have in a potting bench I haven't been using. I'll eventually have to take down the plastic we have covering the windows. The nights need to be consistently warmer before that happens. The greenhouse is closed all day for the next few days, but when we have sunny weather in the 60's I have to leave the door open to keep the temps down. It can easily get to 100F in there when the sun is shining! I'm planning on putting in some type of shading for the summer. Probably some roll up blinds.

More to do is getting our rain barrels ready. I have a bunch of barrels that need to be sanded down and painted and polyurethaned for use this year. Here's hoping that will happen. LOL We always have more projects than we have time for.

Note to self: Clean the house during this rainy weather so you can be ready to get back outside when the sun comes out. (If it ever does. :O)


live4evermom said...

Wow! I love your lettuce. It is so nice to have our hands in that soil. We have our garden planted and I can't wait to see our veggies.


walking said...

I may have to get into gardening . . . Pamela planted some apple seeds today. She hopes it will grow into a tree. So, I bought some more seeds for her and see if I can finally learn to grow plants. Steve is going to laugh his head off when I tell him . . .

Those newspaper cups are WAY COOL!