Thursday, January 31, 2008

One More Thing...

On our way to the park, we saw a whole mess of turkey vultures hanging out on a water tower. I mean there had to be about 30 of them there. More than I have ever seen in one place. Anyone know why they would be hanging out on a water tower? Does it produce heat of some kind? It's right next to a pretty busy road. Maybe they're waiting for some idiot to run a red light? LOL

We also must have started a vulture eating by the side of the back road we traveled on. The thing flew right over the van and in front of my van window for about 15 seconds. Too Cool!!


walking said...

The eagles in Sand Point, Alaska used to hang out at the garbage dump and in the trees near the docks (to snatch in stray fish being hauled in by the fishing boats). The turkey vultures could be listening to their stomachs!

MasterpieceMom said...

That's the thing. I couldn't figure out what their food source was, so i thought maybe it was a source of heat. But who knows, maybe someone in the neighborhood was serving 'rack of deer'. :D