Thursday, December 24, 2009

Autumn Nature Sights

Some type of nest as of yet unidentified...
The towhee I only see once or twice per year. And, yes, despite the snow it is autumn in this photo.
The Great Blue Heron that I used my new camera with---big time zoom needed he was so far away!
We saw a little group of Hooded Merganser at that same pond.
My guys on a family walk.

A walking stick battle ensues!!!

A protected marsh area with the city stores you can see in the background. I haven't seen much wildlife over here the last couple of visits. I'm hoping the beaver is still around and that the ducks still visit.
A strange fungi.

Checkout a close up of it--very different. Can't identify it yet. Is it considered a mushroom???

I love this one! It looks like you could pluck it off the tree and use it as a fancy ladies hat. LOL


HornGully said...

Oooh! So glad your back and posting photos. Your my "someday I'll get around to doing that" inspiration.
You just identifed my "funky-cool bird" from last fall..the Towhee. Loved watching him.

walking said...

I'm not sure which I love more, your birds or your boys. I haven't had much luck with identifying fungi either!